Where I Belong by J. Daniels

Where I Belong - J.  Daniels

3 stars


Oh dear. Where should I start?


So many loose ends.



We have a female main character of twenty-three, whom we know nothing about. Okay, she looked after her mother. What else? Did she have a job? Did she go to college? Why is she suddenly so eager to surrender her v-card to an absolute stranger after holding on to it for so long?


After 223 pages, I still have no idea.


Furthermore, I found the story quite dull after reaching the point where Ben and Mia turned into a couple. The other book I was reading at the time won the competition for most thrilling hobby, so this one ended up on hold for a while.


Now onto the good stuff.


Nolan is just the cutest child ever. Points for creating him are in order.


And Ben. The daddy. He is most definitely mouth-watering.



I'd have some of that for breakfast, lunch, dinner and (hourly) snacks.


I was expecting better from the author of "Sweet Addiction". That book rocked my world big time.