Roomies by Lindy Zart

2,5 stars
Well, what a disappointment.
Around 90% I realised that no devirginizing would take place.
I actually read two hundred and thirty pages of pajama descriptions, downright stupid misunderstandings and a so-not-believable dilemma.
Come on, you call this a love triangle? This is child's play. One guy is her long-standing love and best-friend, and the other is his asshat brother, whom she just met! Kennedy tries to appear divided, but honestly, physical attraction doesn't mean she would just ditch the man she has loved for more than a year.
Why drag this on? Why make an entire book about an occasionally funny internal dialogue? There is no romantic interaction whatsoever. That would probably have slightly redeemed the book from its general boredom. But no. Nada.
Conclusion: I have wasted my time.