A Cidade dos Deuses Selvagens (As Memórias da Águia e do Jaguar #1)

A Cidade dos Deuses Selvagens (As Memórias da Águia e do Jaguar #1) - Isabel Allende, Maria Helena Pitta It was a great re-read! The descriptions of the forest, the natives, the Beasts, the characters... Everything was so beautiful and peaceful there, at least when the 'nahab' didn't interfere with its balance.

Nadia, the Eagle, was so naive, so young and innocent, a very honest and nice girl who ended up becoming Alexander's best-friend. Alexander, the Jaguar, became a man during the expedition: he grew up so much! All the stuff he had to go through - the insect bites, the heat, the beat-ups, the challenges he had to face in the 'tepui', ... - changed him in the inside and in the outside.

The book alerts us to the current situation in the Amazon forest: the killing sprees, the destruction of the forest and the exploration of the mineral resources. Every single one of them is made by us, is caused by us. It really makes us realise the importance of protecting the environment, not only the forest itself, but also the animals living in it, knowing that there are still thousands of species to be discovered and many plants as well, which can be used for the treatment of many diseases.

It's got 5 stars, and they are very well-deserved. Isabel Allende is a genius.